Understanding Emotional First Aid – Dynamics of Giving and Taking

Psychological injuries are mental, or emotional burdens that all of us face daily such as stress, rejection, pessimism, etc. Emotional First Aid can be understood in light of helping and asking for help to cure psychological injuries. It is trying to identify these psychological problems while trying to help and seek help from the same without any kind of professional qualification and basic qualities.
One of the main propagators of emotional first aid Guy Winch explains the concept in association with physical injury- how physical illnesses and injuries are often taken seriously due to the awareness of its importance. However, psychological pains arising from daily hassles are often looked down upon and are neglected as their consequences are unknown to the naked eye. The truth is, everyone, suffers from emotional setbacks which are very well seen if the distress is intense in nature.
Psychological illnesses need professional attention however, there some common emotional hassles we all go through:
One of the common stressors that are faced by people today is loneliness. Loss of a loved one, children moving out, or simply having a personality that is prone to pessimism can lead to loneliness. It is one of the leading causes of death and can cause serious chronic heart illnesses. This can be identified by simply talking to someone or recognizing if someone needs help and lend a hand.
Rejection comes in all forms, be it in romantic relationships, workplace, or even situations in life when one does not get something they desire. It is the most common form of a stressor and is experienced in every walk of life.
Loss can come in many faces such as loss of a loved one, to loss of a job. Coming out of this loss is something that can determine our strength as a person and how we overcome this loss can also change our perspective as an individual in many ways.
Thinking and brooding over sad and unpleasant events, is something that most of us do- overthinking about situations not only channelizes our thoughts on a negative road but causes our mood to change in minutes. Worrying about the past events and overthinking about it will only create stress and negativity.

This is the first step to realizing that someone needs help on an emotional level. Having the awareness of the ones around you (friends, and family) will give you a clear understanding of what they need. Being aware of their feelings, how they look at a certain situation or even the fact that they come and talk to you will make you understand the help they required.
Active Listening:
Active listening has its importance in almost all the psychological therapies that are available, and its necessity cannot be ignored. when the person in distress realizes that they are being heard, they get an assurance that there is hope for betterment as they are being understood by the listener. When it comes to giving emotional aid, when the listener carefully listens to the speaker, there can be scope for further talking. The listener can also analyze whether professional help is required.
Asking questions to the person in concern will allow them to understand that they are being heard and understood. They will also feel a sense of comfort that you are trying to go in depth with their issue and doing everything you can to help them. Asking to- the -point yet non-personal questions will give the helper an understanding of the speaker’s perspective while keeping the conversation analytical yet interactive.
Empathy means trying to understand the situation and feelings of the person from their point of view or being in another person’s shoes. Empathy is a basic quality that one providing emotional first aid should possess. It is a quality that some naturally have, however, others can imbibe. Trying to see the emotions and approach of the speaker from their own perspective will give your insight into how they view things. Empathy is not a step/guideline, but rather a part and parcel of everything you carry out while providing emotional aid.
Say NO to Suggestions/opinions:
It is not unusual to ask a listener for opinions or suggestions, but this is something that needs to be dodged in a healthy way by the listener. It is a Big NO to give any personal comments, suggestions, or opinions, as we need to understand that the speaker is vulnerable when they expose their critical side to the listener and by giving personal suggestions you are only suggesting they look at something from another perspective/ second their thoughts. This is not wrong; however, we need to keep in mind that we are not professionals and do not need to dwell in this.
Suggesting Counselling:
Emotional aid is about helping a person with emotional injuries take a step to professional help. This is a way in which you know they are in safe hands with their mind and emotions. Suggesting counseling when the distress is overburdening for the speaker, is a good way to make them realize the importance of taking care of their mind.
To be able to help others, we need to realize that we need help too, and also know how to give that care and affection to ourselves. This will not only make us understand how to extend a helping hand to others, but also be sure that it is done the right way.

understand yourself:
As awareness of others’ feelings gives us an idea that they need to be approached, understanding our emotions is equally important. So do not punish yourself next time you react in an unusual manner before an upcoming project or after a fight with a friend. Understand that you are not the person you think you are after reacting or feeling a certain way and that it is due to some emotional injury that is causing your mood shifts.
Realize that help is needed:
Understanding your emotional state will lead to realizing that you need emotional help. A good way to unburden yourself is to talk or communicate with your loved ones, someone you trust and know would not judge or tamper your trust. Talk to a friend or parent and unwind your worries.
Change is perspective:
It is not unusual to take the road of negativity when something unfortunate happens or when in distress. However, to be at peace and try and heal from that, one needs to change their perspective. Redefine your views and try to be as positive with the situation as much.
Say yes to counseling:
Seeking therapy for emotional betterment is the safest option as you know you are on the right path. Emotional scars will leave your mind in a healthy way due to the methods followed in professional counseling. Do not shy away from them and resort to counseling if needed.
Be gentle and patient:
Emotional healing takes time and is not something that happens overnight. Be patient and gentle with yourself. Allow yourself to grow from the injury in a healthy and compassionate way. It is only you that can love yourself in true sense and you need to understand the value of the same when you are going through a tough healing process.
Track your healing process:
When one truly realizes that they are healing, it motivates them to move ahead in life and not give up. Track your healing process by methods such as Journaling which is the best way to understand and channelize your thoughts and emotions. This method also helps you if you are taking counselling and would want to share your thoughts and give your therapist some insights.
The following content is for information purposes only. We, in no way claim or assure that using the information can be a substitute for any kind of medical treatment if any. If you are diagnosed with any kind of medical/clinical condition please do not avoid visiting a professional.
Our purpose is to spread positivity and motivation by focusing on self-love and self-care. We also work towards reducing the stigma around mental health and by creating mental health awareness through our blogs.
People today have forgotten how to be happy; they have forgotten what it is to be inspired what it to be real & motivated. We all are so busy with our daily lives today that we have forgotten to take time out for ourselves. We are here to remind you that you are special in your own ways. We are here to remind you that it’s okay to not finish a task, or meet deadlines, its ok not to be ok! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to smile, you deserve to be cared and loved.
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