Are You Happy High?

Happiness is a choice, indeed! I agree with the statement, ‘It’s easier said than done’, and that it seems difficult to be happy, or stay happy if we’re fighting life’s battles inside out. Life’s full of struggles, hardships, lessons, learnings and what not, and will throw all the possibilities for you to be sad, confused, distraught, gloomy and broody. But… where there’s a hope, there’s always a way-out.
Buddha’s Four Noble Truths have a lot to say in the matter of struggles and hardships. Doesn’t matter if you’re a religious person or an atheist, you won’t be able to deny the theories that hold meaning and deep understanding.
The truths are-
- Existence of suffering (there is suffering – dukh hai)
- Suffering has a cause – namely cravings and attachments (Suffering has a reason- dukh ka kaaran hai)
- There’s a cessation of suffering (suffering can be ended- dukh ka अंत bhi hai)
- There’s a path to the cessation of suffering (there’s a way to end it- dukh ko अंत karne ka rasta bhi hai)
What’s a life without lessons, sufferings and hardships? The struggles we’re bestowed upon with in life have a purpose and a meaning. The purpose is to make us learn and understand the reality of our existence and find a meaningful way of living. These struggles will remain till the time we’re alive and breathing. How we manage to triumph and come out of it matters the most. Our approach towards the problem matters. Our perceptions, our beliefs matter.

Let me give you some quick and easy take-aways to snap out of the sadness & sufferings and live a healthy mental life.

By Having Right Views
Your understanding that nothing in life is perfect and you’re willing to accept the flaws of self and other. Everything in life is imperfect, impermanent and insubstantial. Clinging hate and ignorance is a result of our own self-inflicted suffering.
By Having Aspiration and Right Resolve
Be Determined and willed to detach ourselves from the worldly and material attachments.
By Having Right Speech
When we lie, gossip or use hurtful speech for others, we hurt, lie and gossip about ourselves a little. Abstain from lying and gossiping.
Right Conduct and action
If we’re able to put our acts together, we can live a better life. Refraining yourself from killing, stealing, lying and intoxication will always be a righteous act.
By Having Right Livelihood
Having non-harmful intentions and living an honest life is always better than an hurtful and a dishonest life.
By Putting in Right Efforts
Take charge of your mind and thoughts by developing good mental habits. Feed your mind with healthy and positive thoughts
Mindfulness (link to the earlier blog about mindfulness)
Being aware of the present moment is a source and practice of meditation. Be mindful in whatever you do.
Right Concentration
This occurs when all the above stages have been achieved. A complete state of Nirvana, freedom from evil thoughts and hatred occurs.

When we say happiness is a choice, it is a conscious effort that can enable you make to live a healthier life. Even if it seems like your worlds have fallen apart, everything and every problem seems insolvable and nothing seems right, just smile ☺, and be happy high! Be happy high within yourself, be content within yourself. Believe yourself, love yourself, accept yourself. Because when you accept yourself, you start loving yourself, and when you love yourself, you’ll have faith in yourself. Having faith takes us a long way.
Know that every problem comes with a solution, we just have to look around.
Here’s a suggestion- look around yourself today, look at yourself today, think deep, believe in yourself, love yourself today, don’t seek out for validations and affirmations, don’t fear judgements today, believe that you’re capable of solving any problem today. Just do one things today – BE YOURSELF TODAY! You’re powerful! You’re capable! You can be happy high! Yes! Be a little more happy high today.
Happy-ho-happy-hi .
Much power, too many hopes and a lot of love your way! ☺
Blog Written By :

Clinical Psychologist
- Jyotika Goyal is Having 5 years of experience in different work domains, Jyotika is currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Psychology from Amity University.
- Has completed her Masters in Clinical Psychology and Graduation in English Literature, and learnt German Language (B2)
- Has been recently associated with Health Care at Home India Pvt. Ltd. as a Patient Counsellor for Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
- Did her internship for Clinical Psychology at Delhi Council for Child Welfare (DCCW), under Bal Chetna (centre for children with special needs)
- Possesses extensive knowledge in the topics related to Child Psychology, Cognition and Psychopathology
- Thorough with the concepts of Mental Health and Mental Disorders
- Is fond of reading, writing and voicing her opinions
The following content is for information purposes only. We, in no way claim or assure that using the information can be a substitute for any kind of medical treatment if any. If you are diagnosed with any kind of medical/clinical condition please do not avoid visiting a professional.
Our purpose is to spread positivity and motivation by focusing on self-love and self-care. We also work towards reducing the stigma around mental health and by creating mental health awareness through our blogs.
People today have forgotten how to be happy; they have forgotten what it is to be inspired what it to be real & motivated. We all are so busy with our daily lives today that we have forgotten to take time out for ourselves. We are here to remind you that you are special in your own ways. We are here to remind you that it’s okay to not finish a task, or meet deadlines, its ok not to be ok! You deserve to be happy, you deserve to smile, you deserve to be cared and loved.
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